![bookcover [creative genius]_edited.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f454de_d080f9765b5543079fd881768442f4ac~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_219,h_348,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/bookcover%20%5Bcreative%20genius%5D_edited.jpg)
There is nothing miraculous about being creative. In fact it's the most natural part of being human.​
In this book is a synthesis of what I've learned as an artist through my research, teaching and a performing artist and songwriter.
These are reflections and contemplation to inspire your creative journey.
Whatever stage you're at, this book will help you find more joy and fulfillment. Being creative has the potential to transform your life.
What is creativity really? It’s a dance with the unknown, a letting go of certainty (that exists only in the mind anyways). It’s an alignment with universal intelligence, inner wisdom, and faith.
This book is for you!
You’ve been languishing and not moving on in your life.
You believe you don't have a creative bone in your body.
You have a desire to develop a deeper self-awareness.
It's getting harder to utilize your free thought.
You know and can’t jump into a creative project.​
A Guide to Your Creative Genius is a travel guide to your inward experience; a reminder that your creativity is your choice, as close as your breath.

Our achievements, our successes, our happiness and our sorrows—all our outcomes are wrapped in our choices—a seed planted in the ground. We must learn to face each choice head-on, and with heart—this is what it is to Be The Most Important One.
Conversely, to not be the most important one in our life is to believe that others make our choices for us, and that others are responsible for our choices, and that we are always the victim, deluded and powerless.
The Importance of Being Important is a memoir, my journey from self-doubting insecurity to knowing that I matter, that I'm resilient and that I belong. It came at me like a bolt of lightning, plunged into my heart, fired my soul, and created an excitement so potent there seemed to be no choice but to write it. This is how I came to be the most important one, (not more, not less), and found the source of unconditional love and generosity. It took eight years to complete, and not because it took that long to write it, but because it took me that long to ‘BE’ this book.
If you had to choose one book to take with you to a desert island my hope is that it won’t be this one, because you’ll no longer need it. You’ll know without a shadow of a doubt that you’re the most important one—here, now, breathing in and out, the love of your life, all that you are, and all of the light.
Tap Into Your Source of Creativity and Write Great Songs

If you want to develop a good working relationship with your imagination, to find your lyrics and to write a song or poem that you can share with a special someone and perhaps even the world, then this is the book for you.
The process takes you through six steps and each stage flows easily from one into the next. The result is writing that is both authentic and emotional. You'll learn to circle in and out of your imagination and the more often you practice, the sooner you'll take the reigns of your creative journey. It will become natural to you, like slow breathing, simple and restorative.
When we use our creative muscles we're building our connection with our innate joy. Our attention moves into the centre of our consciousness and we find ourselves in the place where our personal myths and symbols are formed. Here is the world of imago, here is where our individual experience is made visible through our awareness, where knowing is centred in our feelings, and where we live simultaneously in spirit and matter, led by intuition and personal wisdom.
The deep, sometimes hidden and often unconscious material that lies within our imagination, can be difficult to access, but this is the content we need in order that our creation be meaningful not only to ourselves but to everyone else. When we do locate an idea it can be difficult to collect it, carry it out, spread it onto the page and shape it into a form we enjoy. The more you practice the Mining for Gold Lyric Writing process, the easier it will become to move into your imagination with the purpose of finding material for your creative project.
Part of my mission as a teacher and creative mentor for almost four decades has been to help students move through creative blocks to uncover their personal messages, whether it be a song or poem or play or book. I've found that in each and everyone one of us is a story waiting to be born, if only we will listen.
Rule number one in Mining for Gold Lyric Writing is: "There are no rules! " In your imagination, everything is possible. Every step you take is your choice, and remember that your desire to write is real and it matters. May each step you take be your favourite.
Available exclusively as a pdf download. Email linda@lindamclean.com